I want to have a sense of how big the geological layers below our feet are. I also want to sense them while going through streets, traversing through buildings, boundaries, borders, jurisdictions, land uses, and bureaucracies. I want to sense what is below this anthropocentric layer we call city and understand deep time beyond visual representations.

The proposed interface assigns a value on a scale of Hertz to a scale of color, sound, and red, green, and blue (RGB) values. An imprecise medium for an imprecise notation. The survey becomes a sonic navigation tool to drift between the visual structures of the city through
an interface connected to the geological representation of a hyperobject. Erring, by being choreographed by a hyperobject, one could experience new ways of navigation that could bring different articulations beyond the visual and the utilitarian. However, this tool proves once again that the 1:1 is still unattainable, bringing us closer to that beautiful Borges tale. Interestingly, using a web-based interface, this tool depends on the network of the city and telecommunication infrastructures that are already deployed in the space.

Quisque vitae ornare tellus, scelerisque
Phasellus laoreet vestibulum felis